Our Products

Manufacturing and Producing High Quality Aluminum Cookware

IVAC Set 6 Platinum Premium - EB

Set of 6 pots ranging from 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" and 12" with superior thickness of 2.0mm with Ebonite Handle and exceptional durability.

IVAC Set 6 Platinum - SS

Set of 6 pots ranging from 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" and 12" with superior thickness of 2.0mm with stainless steel handle and exceptional durability.

IVAC Set 5 Gold - SS

Set of 5 pots ranging from 7" 8" 9" 10" and 11" with stainless steel handle and superior thickness of 1.6mm and exceptional durability.

Frying Pan - SS

8" and 11" Frying Pan with stainless steel handle and thickness of 1.6mm and exceptional durability.

Sauce Pan - SS

Sauce Pans of sizes 8" and 11" with stainless steel handle and thickness of 1.6mm and exceptional durability.

Set 3 MEGA - SS

Set of 3 pots (Industrial) ranging from 14" 16" and 18" with superior thickness of 2.0mm with stainless steel handles and exceptional durability.

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Km 4 Murtala Mohammed Highway, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria ; Retail Outlet: No. 1 Victor Akan Street, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria

+234 (0) 803 099 5874


System Metal Industries Ltd

Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria

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